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Hillcrest Jewish Center, a home for Jews of all ages, at different levels of Jewish knowledge, and at various levels of Jewish practice knowledge can be shared, spiritual goals can be articulated and chesed and tzedakah become part of our lives.




  • To forge meaningful personal connections among our members and with our spiritual leaders.

  • To make our religious services welcoming and meaningful, encouraging participation by all.

  • To embrace our congregants in times of need and to share in their times of joy.

  • To welcome the unaffiliated into our congregation.

  • To educate our children in Judaism.

  • To open the doors to Jewish learning for all adults, regardless of their present level of knowledge.

  • To enhance our ritual observance and performance of mitzvoth.

  • To be a central meeting place for cultural, social and recreational activities.

  • To continue as a landmark Conservative Synagogue and to grow as a holy community, serving the diverse Jewish population of Queens.

  • To ensure our ability to carry our mission into the future by creating a solid financial base of endowment funds.

  • To provide opportunities to our members of all ages to strengthen our connection with the State of Israel.

  • To work cooperatively with neighboring congregations and with the greater Jewish community.

  • To share in the cultural, educational and social activities of Queens and New York City.



The Hillcrest Jewish Center, a traditional egalitarian congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, seeks to foster love of Judaism and of the Jewish People through study of Torah, the performance of mitzvoth, meaningful prayer, the performance of acts of Chesed (loving kindness), and to inspire our members to engage in “Tikkun Olam” - making this world a better place in which to live.

"It is not up to you to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it" (Avot 2:21).
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